Thursday, March 18, 2010

Instant love interior design

When browsing different interior design blogs, do you ever come across a photo that you immediately fall in love with? 

I do sometimes and I immediately save the image into a file on my desktop. It's crazy to look through them and try and put together a cohesive styling. I really do this in hopes of helping myself identify my personal style. The funny thing is, when you look through my file, there are SO many different looks that I fear I would never be able to fit into one home.

I am certain we will have to have a very large house with plenty of rooms so I can style each one differently. Husby is going to cringe when he reads this but, truth is truth. It's the only thing that makes sense. Right?

Anyway, getting to the point of this post. I had one of my before spoken epiphanies this morning when browsing my blog reader. 

This room.

The plaid coverlet. The bare windows. The antique trunks. The black lampshades. I love it all.

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